середа, 2 грудня 2015 р.
Everything's cool - Все здорово;
I could not care less - Мені абсолютно байдуже;
I had a complete fit - Мене не на жарт розлютили;
I have not got a care in the world - Мене ніщо не турбує;
I'm having a really peachy time - Я чудово проводжу час;
I'm on cloud nine - Це просто блаженство;
I'm really buzzing - У мене все просто здорово;
I'm totally over the moon - Я шалено щасливий;
I'm walking on air - Я на сьомому небі від щастя;
I've had the week from hell - У мене був жахливий тиждень;
She blew her top - У неї дах поїхав;
She threw a wobbly - Вона не в собі;
The fur's been flying - Почалися серйозні розбіжності;
There's a bad vibe round here - Тут погана атмосфера;
We've made it up - Ми все владнали.
Lessons with interactive exercises
Тема: Риси характеру. Зовнішність(Traits of Character.Appearance)
Практична: ознайомити учнів з лексикою за темою «Зовнішність та риси
характеру» та забезпечити її активізацію в серії мовних та мовленнєвих вправ;
Освітня: продовжити навчання мовної здогадки;
Розвиваюча: розвиток навичок аудіювання;
Виховна:виховувати повагу до своїх друзів.
Обладнання: підручник, матеріали до завдань.
Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань.
Хід уроку
І. Організаційний момент
T. Hi, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you?
What day
is it today?
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
Look at the blackboard and answer my question: What do you think about when you
hear the word “appearance”?(На дошці слово «appearance». Учні по черзі
(«Мікрофон») називають слова і записують на дошці.)
Look we’ve got a spidergram.
you find the main word you’ll name the topic of today’s lesson.
T. You
are right. We are going to work on the appearance of people.
1.Робота в парах.
have cards with the words. You are to find as many words on the topic
“appearance” as you can. Work in pairs
- bgitcurlyataee
Look at the picture and describe this girl (Гра «Сніговий ком»)
This is a girl
This is a girl. She is 5.
This is a girl. She is 5. Her face is round.
This is a girl. She is 5. Her face is round. Her nose is straight
3.Робота в групах
Гра «Читач-перекладач». Перша група читає слова, записані
дошці, а друга група перекладає їх і навпаки.
Уведення граматичних структур
4. Робота в парах
Учні зачитують по одному
реченню, вставляючи замість крапок дієсло-
ва (like, love, detest, hate, can’t stand), а один із пари
характеризує свого
сусіда за його висловлюванням.
P1. I like going to disco and
P2. I think you are cheerful.
P3. I don’t mind looking after
P4. I believe you are tolerant
and kind. Etc.
What does he (she) look like? What is he (she) like?
Пояснення правил утворення прислівників способу дії
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
Підбиття підсумків уроку
T. Thank you for your work. You did your best this lesson.
Домашнє завдання
Make a short dialogue
about your friend’s family
Тема уроку: Я, моя сім’я
та друзі.Мама, тато, я - суперсім'я.
Практична: активізувати навички усного мовлення з теми шляхом застосування інтерактивних технологій
на уроці;
Розвиваюча: розвивати навички співробітництва та
колективної творчості через роботу учні у
парах та групах;
Освітня: розвивати критичне мислення учнів, вчити ї
висловлювати свою позицію та ставлення до запропонованих
тем ;
Виховна: шанувати батьків,спонукатидітей
проводити вільний час у колі сім'ї.
Обладнання уроку: підручник, робочий зошит , матеріали до завдань.
Тип уроку : комбінований.
Хід уроку
Оргмомент. Привітання з класом.
теми уроку.
Nice to see you, my
dear ! You are so good-looking today! Your eyes are shining. Look at the
blackboard and guess what we are going to talk about today. … That’s it.
Family is the topic of our lesson today
2. Робота в групах по аргументуванню проблеми
"Багатодітна сім'я: за і
проти". Інтерактивний метод “Займи свою позицію”.
T: Now, close your
eyes and imagine the family you would like to have in future. Who has seen
himself in a large family? All of you will take your seats here (табличка FOR).
And now raise your hands all those who likes having a small family. You
will give your arguments against large family and those seats are yours (табличкаAGAINST). Use phrases I agree, I disagree, I think, In my opinion (табличка
на дошці).
It’s never boring in a large family, you always have
someone to play with.
There is a spirit of cooperation.
Everyone helps each
Elder children look
younger ones.
Parents don’t spoil their children.
There is much noise in the house.
Parents are tired of doing lots of laundry, washing
up and other housework.
You should have much food, shampoo, toothpaste and
Younger children wear clothes of their elder
brothers and sisters.
3. Aктивізація
навиків діалогічного мовлення у рольовій грі “Ток-шоу “Тато, мама, я - суперсім'я””.
T: Now you are invited
to the talk-show Father,
mother, me are – a superfamily. Meet Ian and Sue
Povey with their two children
Ann and Lisa. Their
family is really large. You’ve got a great chance to search them about it.
(Вчитель виконує роль ведучого програми. До кожного учня, який
підняв руку для запитання він підходить з мікрофоном).
How many children
have you got?
Sure, is it difficult
to be a mother of such a big family?
Do all the children live at your home?
How many children in
the family go to school?
5. Do you live far from the school your children study
Where do you work?
Have you got a maid
to help your wife with the homework?
Does it take much
time to iron the clothes of your children?
Do you help your
children with their homework?
Активізація навиків монологічного мовлення з теми “Моя мама/ мій тато”.
T: Well, your performance was perfect. You’ve got the
idea. Children, who can prove that you’ve got a super mum or dad? Who can prove
P1: I’d like to tell you about my mum. Her name is
Svitlana. She is 34. She’s got two nice children – my sister and
me.Our mum is not tall. Her hair is shoulder-long. She
has got beautiful grey eyes. Her eyelashes are thick and curvy and her eyebrows are thin.
My mum is very calm, loving and good-looking. She never punishes us and
tells that we are the best children in the world.
P2: I’ve got a super dad. His name is Yuri. He
is 35. I think my father is a good-looking man. He’s tall and strong.
He has got an attractive face. His eyes
are brown. He has got a beard and a moustache.
My father is fond of music. He likes playing
the guitar and singing. He is also interested in photography.
7. Хвилина
розваг. Виконання пісні This is the way з дієсловами до теми “Обов'язки
членів родини”. Гра-пантоміма.
T: No, no,
no, I don’t believe you do all the things to help your parents. There’s only
one way to check if you tell the truth. Show us what you can do with the things
on the tablewhile singing the song This
is the way (На
стільці або невеликому столику та біля нього
знаходяться тарілка, миска, ложка, ніж, ганчірка, віник, банан,
картоплина, помідор, шматок сиру, лимон
і т.д.) .
This is the way I wash
the dishes
sweep the floor
mix the
the mirror
skin banana
chop tomato
slice lemons
Наприклад: This is the way I
sweep the floor
I sweep the
floor, I sweep the floor
This is the
way I sweep the floor
Every day in the morning.
This is the way I
peel potato
I peel
potato, I peel potato
This is the
way I peel potato
When I
help my mother .
T: That's just what I was looking for. You’ve proved
that you are super children.
б) Перевірка домашнього завдання.
підсумків уроку. Виставлення оцінок.
T: My dear students,
I thank you for your fruitful work at the lesson.
I believe you will live in such houses with
your families and be happy.
Домашнє завдання:
Розповісти про вихідний день сім'ї.
T.: At the next
lesson you are to be ready to tell about your family’s weekend
Тема: Я, моя сім'я, мої друзі
Практична:повторити та систематизувати лексико-граматичний
матеріал теми;
Розвиваюча: розвивати навички аудіювання;
продовжувати формувати навички діалогічного мовлення;
Освітня: практикувати учнів у писемному
Виховна: виховувати взаємоповагу та почуття
поваги до членів родини.
Обладнання: текст для аудіювання, картки для
складання Mind-map, картки для роботи в парах, картки для
роботи в групах.
Тип уроку:урок узагальнення і систематизації знань.
Хід уроку
Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1. Привітання.
T: Good morning,
Ps: Good morning,
Let us smile when we say: “Good morning”
For a smile makes all faces bright,
Let us smile when we say: “Good morning”
For a smile starts the day all right.
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: Listen to the
verse and try to guess what is the topic of our today’s lesson.
P: In times of
trouble, times of need
I feel such strength surrounding
Without whose love I can’t
I love you all my family.
T: Today we’ll continue to speak about our family and
we’ll revise the vocabulary of the topic.
Look at the blackboard. Imagine that we found a chest
with the treasure. But it is closed. If we want to open it and find out what
treasure is in it, we have to do some tasks. So let’s start our lesson.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
1. Listening
T: Our first task. Listen to some short stories and
guess what member of a family it is about. We’ll make Mind-map.
1. She is old. She is 68. Her
hair is grey. She doesn't work. She is a pensioner.
She loves her grandchildren. She is my mother's mother. Who
is she? (a grandmother)
2. He
is not old. He is 34. He works as a driver. He loves his children. He is my
mother's husband. Who is he? (a father)
3. She
is very small. She is only 3 years old. She doesn't go to
school. She likes to play with her toys at home. She is my mother's daughter.
Who is she? (a sister)
4. He
is very young. He is 19. He isn't a pupil. He is a
student at the university. He is handsome. He is my mother's and father's son.
Who is he? (a brother)
5. She
is young and pretty. Her hair is fair. She has large blue eyes. She works at school as a teacher. She is my father's wife and my grandmother's daughter.
Who is she? (a mother)
6. She
is young and pretty. She works as a doctor in hospital. She looks like my mother, because she is my mother's sister. Who is she? (an aunt)
T: Name the other members of a family.
2. Dialogue. Work in
T: The second task. Work in pairs. Look at the Family
Tree and answer the questions.
Writing. Work in groups.
T: The third task. You have to describe Bill’s mother,
father and his sister. Complete the texts.
Group work
Read the text “My Busy Dad” and then put the mixed stripes in the
logical order.
A Jumbled Story
We are a family of
three: Father, Mother and I. My father is usually very busy. He does not have
time to play with me. When I ask him to play with me he usually says, “I’m
sorry, I can’t. I am very busy…” or, “Ask your mother to play with you…” or,
“Go and play with your friends”.
On Sunday we get up
at nine o’clock. We have breakfast. Then I play computer games. I read a book
and watch TV.
It is half past nine
in the evening. It is time to go to bed. I open my father’s room and say:
“Excuse me, Dad…” “Close the door. Can’t you see I am busy? Go and watch TV”.
“Oh, Dad, I want to
say Good-night to you”.
“Can’t you say it to
me in the morning? I am busy now”, my Dad says.
On Sunday we get up
at nine o’clock. We have breakfast. Then I play computer games. I read a book
and watch TV.
“Can’t you say it to
me in the morning? I am busy now”, my dad says.
He does not have time
to play with me. When I ask him to play with me he usually says, “I am sorry, I
can’t. I am very busy…”or, “Ask your mother to play with you…”or, “Go and play
with your friends”.
We are a family of
three: Father, Mother and I. My father is usually very busy.
“Oh, Dad, I want to
say Good-night to you”.
It is half past nine
in the evening. It is time to go to bed.
“Close the door.
Can’t you see I am busy? Go and watch TV”.
I open my father’s
room and say: “Excuse me, Dad…”
3. Physical Warming up.
T: And now let’s sing a song about the Addams family.
The Addam's Family
They are creepy and they are kooky
Mysterious and spooky,
They are all together ooky,
The Adams Family
Their house is a museum
Where people come to see them
They really are a scream
The Adams Family
So get witches shawl on
A brromstick you can crawl on
We’re gonna pay a call on
The Adams Family
4. Speaking.
T: All of you made your own family trees. And on the
previous lesson we made the family tree of your class. Who wants to tell us
about your own family tree?
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
1. Використання
інтерактивної вправи «Сенкан». T. Now we’ll sum up our lesson and do it in a
form which is called “cinquain”. Let’s remember the rules of such a form.
Structure of “cinquain” 1 line: Theme (the main word) 2 line: two adjectives 3
line: three verbs (actions of the main word) 4 line: a sentence (quotation on
the topic) 5 line: synonym / antonym of the main word.
T: Today we spoke about familiesand the members of
these families. You were very active. Thank you for the lesson. And now put
yourself the mark. Be honest. And now look at the blackboard. You can see two
planets: the planet “I like” and the planet “I don’t like”. There are two kinds
of flowers on your desks. If you like today’s lesson, stick your smile flower
on the planet “I like”. And if you don’t like today’s lesson? So stick your sad
flower on the planet “I don’t like”.
Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over.
вівторок, 1 грудня 2015 р.
понеділок, 23 листопада 2015 р.
Позакласний захід з англійської мови Halloween
(A party)
Teacher: There are many countries on our planet,
"Every country has its traditions and customs", says the English
proverb. When we talk about English or British traditions, we go back into
depth of the history, when neither England nor Britain existed as a national or
geographical unit. Traditional holidays reflect the historical past of the
Today we'll speak about, one of the
holidays celebrated by British and American children. It's Halloween."
Pupil 1: Halloween means "holy evening"
and takes place on October, 31. Although it is a much more important festival
in the United States than Britain, it is celebrated by many people in the UK.
It is particularly connected with witches and ghosts.
At parties people dress up in strange
costumes and pretend they are witches. They cut horrible faces in potatoes and
other vegetables and put a candle inside, which shines through the eyes. People
may play difficult games such as trying to eat an apple from a bucket of water
without using their hands.
Pupil 2: In recent years children dressed in white sheets knock on doors at
Halloween and ask if you would like a trick, or a treat. If you give them
something nice, a treat, they go away. However, if you don't, they play a trick
on you, such as making a lot of noise or spilling flour on your front doorstep!
Pupil 3: The story of Halloween goes all the way
back to ancient times. For the Celts who lived in Britain and Ireland at that
time, New Year began on November. The night before, a festival was held to mark
the change from summer to winter.
Pupil 4: It is said that Halloween is the
children’s New Year’s Eve. They dress up with special costumes; they eat too
much, and stay up too late celebrating.
Children go around the neighbourhood
wearing make-up, and dressed in masks and colourful costumes. The most common costumes are witches,
ghosts, skeletons and popular TV, movie and storybook characters. Some costumes
are homemade; others are bought in stores.
Pupil 6: Homes, stores and classrooms are decorated
in the traditional Halloween colours, orange and black. Usual deco-rations are
witches, black cats, ghosts, skeletons and jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins that are
carved to look like faces. They are placed on doorway entrance and in windows.
Horror movies and ghost stories are shown on TV on this day.
Pupil 7: Now, answer these questions:
What holiday do English and American children
celebrate on October, 31?
When do children usually begin to prepare for
(In the evening)
What is ‘jack-o-lantern’?
(A pumpkin)
What is there in the pumpkin?
(A candle)
Where do children put jack-o-lanterns?
(At the door, in the garden, on the
What costumes and masks are popular on
Halloween day?
(Witches, ghosts, monsters, skeletons,
devils, black cats)
What are the colours of Halloween?
(Orange and black)
What are the decorations of Halloween?
(Witches, ghosts, monsters, skeletons, jack-o-lanterns)
Pupil 8: To the Celts Jack-o-Lantern was the spirit of the
pumpkin. They carved a pleasant looking pumpkin.
They carved a pleasant-looking pumpkin face to show Jack as a good
not a nasty one.
not a nasty one.
The Irish claim that Jack-o-Lantern was a person who couldn't get into heaven
because he was too stingy. But
the devil didn't want him, either.
So ever since, he's had to
wander about earning a lantern.
The Irish had no pumpkin, so they used to make Jack-o-Lanterns from turnips and potatoes.
Teacher: Does anybody know how to make
Pupil 9: No problem. You need a large pumpkin and
a knife.
Cut off a piece of your pumpkin from the top. Then take
out what is inside with a knife and a big spoon. Then you cut out the eyes,
nose and a mouth and after all put a
candle inside the lantern. Look you can see the candlelight through the eyes,
nose and mouth. Please, look how some English children are making their
(A short play)
Kate: My name is Kate. I live in a small English town. I
have many friends. We like to celebrate Halloween. We celebrate this holiday
every year. We always prepare for Halloween beforehand. Oh, I see my friend.
Her name is Meg. Meg, come here, please!
Meg: Hello, Kate. Glad to see you.
Kate: So, am I. Where
are you going?
Meg: I'm going to visit our friend Nelly. We’ll prepare for
Halloween. Let's go together.
Kate: With pleasure.
(They are going to Nelly's house.)
Meg: (knocking at the door) Nelly, open the door!
Nelly: Who is that? Oh, hello, my friends. Come in, please.
Meg and Kate: Hello, Nelly. How are you?
Nelly: Fine, thank you. And what about you?
Meg and Kate: O.K.
Are these kids your guests, Nelly? I don't know them. Who
are they?
Nelly: They are my cousins. It's Mary. She is a very kind and
pretty girl. And this boy is her brother Tom. These are my friends. Their names
are Meg and Kate.
Mary and Tom: Glad to meet you.
Meg: Where do you live?
Tom: We live in the village.
Kate: Do you like to celebrate Halloween?
Mary: Of course. We always make Jack-o-Lantern. It's so
Nelly: Let's make Jack-o-Lantern together.
Children: Great!
Nelly: I’ve got a nice pumpkin. Look! It's round and yellow.
Tom, go to the kitchen and bring a knife, please.
Tom: All right. We’ve got a knife.
Kate: I want to carve the eyes. Tom, give me the knife,
Tom: Here are you are. I can help you.
Mary: May I carve
a nose?
Tom: Of course. Take the knife, please.
Meg: Our Jack-o-Lantern needs a mouth. May I carve it?
Nelly: Yes, you may.
Kate: What a nice Jack-o-Lantern we’ve got!
Tom: Very nice!
Mary: But I think it would be better with hair.
Kate: You are mistaken, Mary. Jack-o-Lantern is a symbol of
the human skull. Have you ever seen the skull with hair?
Mary: You are right, Kate.
Nelly: Our Jack-o-Lantern isn't ready.
Tom: Why?
Nelly: We must put a candle into the pumpkin.
Kate: Yes, of course. The candle will shine through the
eyes. Mary: Where can
we put our pumpkin?
Kate: We can put it in the garden, at the outdoor entrance,
on the window-sill.
Let's put it in the garden.
Teacher: Oh, it’s lovely! Thank you! Let’s play a game. You must change the last
word of the first line.
In the dart dark wood, there is a dark,
dark house, (Jack-o-Lantern; castle; monster; etc.)
And in the dark, dark house, there is a
dark, dark room;
And in that dark, dark room, there is a
dark, dark cupboard.
And in that dark, dark cupboard, there is
a dark, dark shelf;
And on that dark, dark shelf, there is a
dark, dark box;
And in that dark, dark box there is…
Pupil 10: In Europe a few hundred years ago there were people
who called themselves witches. They worshiped the devil the way most people
worshiped a god. They claimed they could perform magic. The witches held large
meetings. There they gathered around a big fire where they cooked up magical
potions. Some of these were drugs the witches drank. There were also brooms
near the fire to sweep it clean. Witches used magic to fly about on
Pupil 11: This is the night of Halloween
When all the witches must be seen.
Some of them black,
some of them green.
Some of them like a
turkey bean.
Witch 1: The sky is blue, the sky is green.
Have you got a penny
for Halloween,
Ghosts and witches can
be seen.
Trick or treat trick or treat!
Give us something good
to eat.
Witch 2: The
witch told her daughter
To fetch her some
To pick quick some
To put it in the kettle.
Then to catch some
flies and fleas
And boil them tender
with green peas.
(The two witches are dancing and singing a song.)
Here we dance Looby-Loo
Here we dance Looby-Light
Here we dance Looby-Loo
All on a Saturday
You put your right hand in
You take your right hand out,
You give your hand a shake, shake, shake
And turn yourself around. OH!
You put your left hand in
You take your left hand out
You give your hand a shake, shake, shake
Turn yourself around. OH!
You put your body in,
You take your body out
You give your body a shake, shake, shake
And turn yourself around. OH!
12: Nothing is scarier that
a spooky tale read aloud on Halloween
night. Listen to the poem that will
send shivers down your spine.
The Moon
(By Robert Louis Stevenson)
The moon has a face like the clock in the hall;
She shines on thieves on the garden wall,
On streets and fields and harbor quays,
And birdies asleep in the forks of the trees.
The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse,
The howling dog by the door of the house.
The bat that lies
in bed at noon,
All love to be out by the light of the moon.
(Children are singing a song.)
It’s Halloween, the night is dark
The moon is in the sky.
We’re going to play ‘trick or treat’
Wait! Did you hear a cry?
What was that? Did something move?
Perhaps it’s just a dog
But can’t you see two yellow eyes
Shining through the fog?
Shut the door and lock it too
Close the windows tight
It’s Halloween, it’s cold and dark
We’re staying in tonight.
Teacher: Why do
people wear spooky costumes on Halloween?
Pupil 13: The custom of wearing spooky costumes on Halloween began with a group of Irish Celts called Druids. The Irish believed that evil spirit roamed about the
earth on Halloween. The Druids
wanted to fool the evil spirits into thinking that they were spirits, too. So they dressed as
ghosts and goblins.
(John Updike)
The month is amber
Cold and brown,
Blue ghosts of smoke
Float through the town
Frost bites the lawn.
The stars are slits
In a black cat's eye
she spits
Great V's of geese
Honk overhead
And maples turn
At last small witches.
Goblins hang
And pirates armed
With paper bags.
Their costumes hinged
On safety pins.
Go haunt at night
Of pumpkin grin.
Halloween Game
You'll need a large space for this game and again, six people or more. Pick a
"ghost hunter' and blindfold
him or her. The other players or
"ghosts" circle around the ghost hunter who must try to catch one of them. When someone
is caught they must wail and moan in as ghostly a way as possible and the ghost hunter must guess who it is. If the ghost hunter guesses correctly he or she can change places with the
ghost they caught. If not, the
ghost goes free and the ghost hunter must try again.
Fortune telling
Peel an apple. The peel must be one long piece. Throw the peel
over your shoulder. Can you see the shape of a letter? It shows the first
letter of the name of the person you will
Snap Apple
Hang apples on pieces of string. Players try to catch an apple with their teeth.
Bob Apple
To play this traditional Hallowee game
you need a large bowl and some apples. Fill the bowl with water and put apples
in the water. Players put their hands behind their backs. They must try to pick
up an apple with their teeth.
Teacher: OK! You've shown your talents today. Do
you know the way to deceive the evil spirits?
Pupils: Yes!!! Just to sing the song "A Magic
(Children sing the song using the melody of the Ukrainian song «із сиром пироги».)
If in the dark you're frightened.
Here's all you have to do.
Say: Igga, bigga,
Hunka bimka,
Dinka danka doo.
These words give you protection
From ghosts and witches, too.
Say: Igga, bigga,
Hunka bunka,
So if at night a
Should whisper, "I’ll get you,"
Yell: Igga, bigga,
Hunka bunka,
Dinka danka doo.
(All witches are running away.)
Pupil 14: Stop! Dear witches! It was a joke. You're
not as horrible as you're drawn.
Thank you very much for the
information you're given to us.
Now let's make evil spirits go away!
Pupils: A Happy Halloween Day!
Evil spirits go away!
(All pupils are dancing, singing, running
and shouting "Happy
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